We’re back for an All-Star edition of Inside The Cylinder! In this episode, we reflect on Detroit’s first half of the season, and give our thoughts on why we’re optimistic, maybe overly optimistic, about the Pistons future. We’ll let you decide.
We also talk about why some players on THIS team reminds us of some of our favorite Pistons players from seasons past. We then break down the concept of Nature vs. Nurture, in a basketball sense. Translation: who do we give more credit to for the rookies and free agency/mid-season acquisitions on-court success, Head Coach Dwane Casey, or General Manager Troy Weaver?
Lastly, we give a few bold predictions for the second half of the season.
All that and more in this week’s episode!
And as always, make sure to subscribe to the Detroit Bad Boys podcast, where you’ll find new episodes of Inside The Cylinder. And if you’re on Twitter-dot-com, feel free to give us all a follow @InsideTheCylndr, @waymatth and @THE_FERNANTULA!